French translation CSV exports

In [ ]:
%run "../Static data/English localization.ipynb"

Translation of all possible answers

In [ ]:
# Options that don't need translations are commented out
# The first translated element is the correct answer when applicable
# Options that are deprecated are listed last

yesNoIdontknowTranslation = {
"Oui" : "Yes",
"Non" : "No",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

interestTranslation = {
"Beaucoup" : "A lot",
"Enormément" : "Extremely",
"Moyennement" : "Moderately",
"Un peu" : "Slightly",
"Pas du tout" : "Not at all",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

gameInterestTranslation = interestTranslation

gameFrequencyTranslation = {
"Beaucoup" : "A lot",
"Enormément" : "Extremely",
"Moyennement" : "Moderately",
"Un peu" : "Rarely",
"Pas du tout" : "Not at all",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

genderTranslation = {
"Femme" : "Female",
"Homme" : "Male",
"Autre" : "Other",
"Je ne souhaite pas le préciser" : "Prefer not to say",

biologyStudyTranslation = {
"Jamais, pas même au collège" : "Not even in middle school",
"Jusqu'au brevet" : "Until the end of middle school",
"Jusqu'au bac" : "Until the end of high school",
"Jusqu'à la license" : "Until bachelor's degree",
"Au moins jusqu'au master" : "At least until master's degree",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",
#"Jamais" : "Never", # no occurrence of "Never" in the responses
"Jamais" : "Not even in middle school",

biologyInterestTranslation = interestTranslation

previousPlayTranslation = {
"De nombreuses fois" : "Multiple times",
"Quelques fois" : "A few times",
"Une fois" : "Once",
"Oui" : "Yes",
"Non" : "No",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q1AnswersTranslation = {
"Modifier l'ADN de la bactérie" : "Edit the DNA of the bacterium",
"Ramasser des nanorobots" : "Gather nanobots",
"Faire bouger la bactérie" : "Move the bacterium",
"Diviser la bactérie" : "Divide the bacterium",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",
"Injecter des molécules" : "Inject molecules",

Q2AnswersTranslation = {
"Des séquences d'ADN" : "DNA sequences",
"Des séquences d'ARN" : "RNA sequences",
"Des acides aminés" : "Amino-acids",
"Des protéines" : "Proteins",
"Des gènes" : "Genes",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q3AnswersTranslation = {
"Terminateur" : "Terminator",
"Transposeur" : "Trespasser",
"Transcripteur" : "Transcriptor",
"Translator" : "Trieur",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q4AnswersTranslation = {
"Promoteur" : "Promoter",
"Prémoteur" : "Protomer",
"Précurseur" : "Precursor",
"Procuror" : "Procureur",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q5AnswersTranslation = {
"Séquence Codante" : "Coding Sequence",
"Protéine" : "Protein",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q6AnswersTranslation = {
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

biobrickFunctionTranslation = {
"Elle indique la fin de la construction" : "It shows the end of the device",
"Elle contrôle quand la construction est active" : "It controls when the device is active",
"Elle contrôle quelle protéine est produite, et donc quelle capacité est affectée" : "It controls which protein is produced, and thus which ability is affected",
"Elle contrôle le niveau d'expression, et donc à quel point la capacité est affectée" : "It controls the level of expression, and thus how much the ability will be affected",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",
"Elle contrôle quelle capacité est affectée, en codant quelle protéine est produite par la contruction" : "It controls which protein is produced, and thus which ability is affected",

Q7AnswersTranslation = biobrickFunctionTranslation
Q8AnswersTranslation = biobrickFunctionTranslation
Q9AnswersTranslation = biobrickFunctionTranslation
Q10AnswersTranslation = biobrickFunctionTranslation

# Could not be fixed directly in the Google form, unfortunately
Q11AnswersTranslation = {
"Option 1" : "Option 3",
#"Option 2"
"Option 3" : "Option 1",
#"Option 4"
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q12AnswersTranslation = {
"Sous lumière bleue, quand la construction GFP est équipée" : "Under blue light, when the GFP device is equipped",
"Sous lumière bleue, tout le temps" : "Under blue light, all the time",
"Devant les portes, quand la construction GFP est équipée" : "In front of the doors, when the GFP device is equipped",
"Devant les portes, tout le temps" : "In front of the doors, all the time",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q13AnswersTranslation = {
"Les flagelles disparaissent l'un après l'autre, rapidement" : "Flagella quickly disappear one by one",
"La bactérie devient lumineuse" : "The bacterium glows",
"La bactérie meurt" : "The bacterium dies",
"Rien" : "Nothing",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q14AnswersTranslation = {
"Un plasmide - un moyen d'équiper une construction supplémentaire" : "A plasmid - it makes it possible to equip an additional device",
"Une algue dans le décor du jeu" : "Algae from the game's scenery",
"Un nanorobot - simplement un bonus dans le jeu" : "A nanobot - a game bonus",
"Un promoteur induit, qui ne fonctionne que dans l'arabinose" : "An induced promoter, which works only in arabinose",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

deviceFunctionTranslation = {
"Elle permet de se déplacer plus vite" : "It makes it possible to move faster",
"Elle produit la fluorescence verte" : "It generates green fluorescence",
"Elle produit la fluorescence verte en présence de l-arabinose" : "It generates green fluorescence in presence of l-arabinose",
"Elle permet de résister aux antibiotiques" : "It generates antibiotic resistance",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q15AnswersTranslation = deviceFunctionTranslation
Q16AnswersTranslation = deviceFunctionTranslation
Q17AnswersTranslation = deviceFunctionTranslation
Q18AnswersTranslation = deviceFunctionTranslation

Q19AnswersTranslation = deviceFunctionTranslation
Q20AnswersTranslation = deviceFunctionTranslation
Q21AnswersTranslation = deviceFunctionTranslation
Q22AnswersTranslation = deviceFunctionTranslation

Q23AnswersTranslation = {
"A partir du moment où elle serait induite, elle produirait de plus en plus de l-arabinose puisqu'elle s'induirait elle-même" : "After being induced, it would produce more and more l-arabinose, because it would induce itself",
"Elle ne serait active que dans les nuages de l-arabinose" : "It would be active only in l-arabinose clouds",
"Elle produirait en permanence de la l-arabinose" : "It would produce l-arabinose all the time",
"Elle ne produirait rien puisqu'elle s'induit elle-même" : "It would produce nothing since it induces itself",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q24AnswersTranslation = {
"Si elle produisait de la YFP sous lumière cyan" : "If it produced YFP under cyan light",
"Si elle produisait de la BFP sous lumière violette" : "If it produced BFP under purple light",
"Si elle produisait de la RFP sous lumière jaune" : "If it produced RFP under yellow light",
"Si elle produisait de la GFP sous lumière jaune" : "If it produced GFP under yellow light",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",
"Si elle produit de la BFP sous lumière violette" : "If it produced BFP under purple light",
"Si elle produit de la YFP sous lumière cyan" : "If it produced YFP under cyan light",
#"If it produces BFP under purple light"
#"If it produces YFP under cyan light"

Q25AnswersTranslation = {
#"E. Coli"
"Nanorobot" : "Nanobot",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q26AnswersTranslation = {
"Des flagelles" : "Flagella",
"Des nageoires" : "Fins",
"Des mitochondries" : "Mitochondria",
"Des plasmides" : "Plasmids",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Q27AnswersTranslation = {
"Ampicilline" : "Ampicillin",
"Terminateur" : "Terminator",
"Je ne sais pas" : "I don't know",

Assembly of all possible answers

In [ ]:
questionsAnswersTranslationsFR = pd.Series(
# Timestamp
            [], # 1

# Basic demographics questions
            gameInterestTranslation, # 2
            gameFrequencyTranslation, # 3
            [], # 4
            genderTranslation, # 5

# Basic biology questions
            biologyStudyTranslation, # 6
            biologyInterestTranslation, # 7
            yesNoIdontknowTranslation, # 8
            yesNoIdontknowTranslation, # 9

# Your experience with Hero.Coli
            previousPlayTranslation, # 10
            previousPlayTranslation, # 11
            previousPlayTranslation, # 12
            previousPlayTranslation, # 13
# General mechanics of the game
            Q1AnswersTranslation, # 12
            Q2AnswersTranslation, # 13

# BioBricks
            Q3AnswersTranslation, # 16
            Q4AnswersTranslation, # 17
            Q5AnswersTranslation, # 18
            Q6AnswersTranslation, # 19

# BioBrick functions
            Q7AnswersTranslation, #20
            Q8AnswersTranslation, #21
            Q9AnswersTranslation, #22
            Q10AnswersTranslation, #23

# Devices
            Q11AnswersTranslation, #24
            Q12AnswersTranslation, #25
            Q13AnswersTranslation, #26

# Devices
            Q14AnswersTranslation, #27

# Device symbols
            Q15AnswersTranslation, #28
            Q16AnswersTranslation, #29
            Q17AnswersTranslation, #30
            Q18AnswersTranslation, #31

# Device symbols
            Q19AnswersTranslation, #32
            Q20AnswersTranslation, #33
            Q21AnswersTranslation, #34
            Q22AnswersTranslation, #35

# Beyond the game
            Q23AnswersTranslation, # 36
            Q24AnswersTranslation, #37
            Q25AnswersTranslation, #38
            Q26AnswersTranslation, #39
            Q27AnswersTranslation, #40

# Remarks
            [], # 41

# ID
            [], # 42

# Language
            [], # 43
# Temporality
            [], # 44
        ], index = gformEN.columns
#questionsAnswersTranslationsFR.loc['Are you interested in video games?']['Beaucoup']

In [ ]:


In [ ]:
#questionsAnswersTranslationsFR.to_csv(frTranslationsPath, encoding=csvEncoding)

Correct scientific answers

In [ ]:
correctAnswersFR = pd.Series(
# Timestamp
            [], # 1

# Basic demographics questions
            [], # 2
            [], # 3
            [], # 4
            [], # 5

# Basic biology questions
            [], # 6
            [], # 7
            [], # 8
            [], # 9

# Your experience with Hero.Coli
            [], # 10
            [], # 11
            [], # 12
            [], # 13

# General mechanics of the game        
            ["Modifier l"], #14
            ["Des séquences d'ADN"], #15

# BioBricks
            ["Terminateur"], #16
            ["Promoteur"], #17
            ["Séquence Codante"], #18
            ["RBS"], #19

# BioBrick functions
            ["Elle indique la fin de la construction"], #20
            ["Elle contrôle quand la construction est active"], #21
            ["Elle contrôle quelle protéine est produite, et donc quelle capacité est affectée"], #22
            ["Elle contrôle le niveau d"], #23

# Devices
            ["Option 3"], #24
            ["Sous lumière bleue, quand la construction GFP"], #25
            ["Les flagelles disparaissent l"], #26

# Devices
            ["Un plasmide - un moyen d"], #27

# Device symbols
            ["Elle produit la fluorescence verte"], #28
            ["Elle permet de se déplacer plus vite"], #29
            ["Elle permet de résister aux antibiotiques"], #30
            ["Elle produit la fluorescence verte en présence"], #31

# Device symbols
            ["Elle produit la fluorescence verte"], #32
            ["Elle permet de se déplacer plus vite"], #33
            ["Elle permet de résister aux antibiotiques"], #34
            ["Elle produit la fluorescence verte en présence"], #35

# Beyond the game
            ["A partir du moment où elle serait induite, elle"], #36
            ["Si elle produit de la YFP sous lumière cyan"], #37
            ["Des flagelles"], #38
            ["Ampicilline"], #39
            ["E. Coli"], #40

# Remarks
            [], #41

# ID
            [], #42

# Language
            [], # 43
# Temporality
            [], # 44
        ], index = gformEN.columns

In [ ]:
#correctAnswersFR.to_csv(frCorrectScientificAnswersPath, encoding=csvEncoding)

Demographic answers

In [ ]:
interestPositives = ["Beaucoup","Enormément","Moyennement"]

gameInterestPositives = interestPositives
frequencyPositives = interestPositives
agePositives = [18,19,20,21,22,23]
genderPositives = ["Femme"]

biologyStudyPositives = ["Jusqu'à la license","Au moins jusqu'au master"]
biologyInterestPositives = interestPositives
yesNoIdontknowPositives = ["Oui"]

previousPlayPositives = ["De nombreuses fois","Quelques fois","Une fois","Oui"]

languagePositives = [enLanguageID]

temporalityPositives = [answerTemporalities[1]]

demographicAnswersFR = pd.Series(
# Timestamp
            [], #1

# Basic demographics questions
            interestPositives, #2
            frequencyPositives, #3
            agePositives, #4
            genderPositives, #5

# Basic biology questions
            biologyStudyPositives, #6
            biologyInterestPositives, #7
            yesNoIdontknowPositives, #8
            yesNoIdontknowPositives, #9

# Your experience with Hero.Coli
            previousPlayPositives, #10
            previousPlayPositives, #11
            previousPlayPositives, #12
            previousPlayPositives, #13
# General mechanics of the game
            [], #14
            [], #15

# BioBricks
            [], #16
            [], #17
            [], #18
            [], #19

# BioBrick functions
            [], #20
            [], #21
            [], #22
            [], #23

# Devices
            [], #24
            [], #25
            [], #26

# Devices
            [], #27

# Device symbols
            [], #28
            [], #29
            [], #30
            [], #31

# Device symbols
            [], #32
            [], #33
            [], #34
            [], #35

# Beyond the game
            [], #36
            [], #37
            [], #38
            [], #39
            [], #40

# Remarks
            [], #41

# ID
            [], #42

# Language
            languagePositives, #43
# Temporality
            temporalityPositives, #44
        ], index = gformEN.columns

In [ ]:
#demographicAnswersFR.to_csv(frDemographicAnswersPath, encoding=csvEncoding)